Lockdown moods

Lockdown again! We’ve all had enough of it already so if you are feeling down or anxious try taking some Manuka Emporium manuka honey – it can help to manage anxiety and improve mood. Yes, really!

A Review Article titled Neurological Effects of Honey, published by Rahman et al., 2014 stated that honey has anxiolytic properties, meaning that it contains compounds (such as an antioxidant flavonoids called chrysin and gallic acid) that are capable of reducing anxiety.

Honey also has antidepressant effects and improves the oxidative status of the brain. It is packed with anti-inflammatories and can increase the spread of 2 mood-regulating hormones - serotonin and dopamine throughout the brain.

· Serotonin helps you feel happier, calmer, and more focused — while dopamine makes you feel motivated, accomplished, and productive.

· Serotonin and dopamine both play a role in regulating digestion, by suppressing or increasing our appetite according to our body's needs…….now there’s something else that’s important during lockdown.

· A lack of serotonin, dopamine, or both has been linked to certain mental health conditions like addiction and depression.

And…..manuka Emporium honey tastes great! Consumption of just a small amount of manuka honey each day can deliver benefits to so many areas of everyday lockdown life.


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